CE programme
In Person

White&Pink Esthetic

Encuentro Académico CCDR-FDI 2024


San José, Costa Rica, Americas


Dr Hande Şar Sancakli
  • Prof. Dr. Hande Şar Sancakli; DDS, med dent. 2000, Istanbul University, Faculty of Dentistry. PhD in 2007 Assoc. Professorship 2012.
  • 2012- Visiting Lecturer in King’s College Dental Institute, Guy’s Hospital. Professor ;2020
  • Scientific publications in internationally/ nationally indexed journals, book chapters,
  • Lectured in various international conferences, seminars and performed hands-on courses in
  • Restorative dentistry about adhesive dentistry, minimal invasive dentistry and restorative materials.
  • Board Member of Turkish Dental Association, International Affairs Committee,
  • Board Member of Turkish Aesthetic Dentistry Academy Association
  • Chairperson of ERO/FDI Working Group Continuing Medical Education
  • FDI Regional Continuing Education Director of Europe


Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Costa Rica

Abstract :

Smile aesthetics is based on numerical, physical, physiological and psychological data regarding beauty, while taking into account the desires of the patient. It is determined by the shape, colour and position of the lips, teeth and gingival tissues. Periodontal examination in both the facial and labial settings supports analysis of the gingival display during natural and forced smiling, the health of the periodontium, the gingival contours, the aesthetic gingival line, and the presence of the papillae.

Learning objectives :

  • To determine the perceptions of smile design to variations in relation to the soft tissue esthetics during smile.
  • To guide clinicians to produce variations in gingival inflammation, pigmentation, contour, position of free gingival margins (with and without recession), zeniths, and interdental papilla
  • To outline the parameters to manage an esthetic smile design with a multidisciplinary approach