CE programme
In Person

Update in the management of odontogenic and non-odontogenic pain.

Curso de Actualización Teórico-Práctico en el Manejo del Dolor Odontogénico


Santiago, Chile, Americas


Daniel Chavarría-Bolanos

DDS, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica, Master in Endodontics, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México PhD in Engineering and Materials Science, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México, PhD in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Liege, Belgium. Director of the Graduate Programs in Dentistry; Coordinator of the Master in Endodontics and Coordinator of the Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Clinic, School of Dentistry, University of Costa Rica.


Colegio de Cirujano Dentistas de Chile


In this practical theoretical course on comprehensive management of odontogenic and non-odontogenic pain, the translational research related to the application of different drugs in dentistry will be analyzed. We will begin by establishing the physiological bases of pain, how certain oral bacteria have the ability to generate pain, and how pain is perceived in the central nervous system. Then, we will continue to evaluate the physiological and pharmacological bases of action of the drugs used for pain control. Subsequently, we will evaluate the in vitro and experimental studies that exist and support the use of drugs and how these studies contribute to the understanding of drug action pathways. Finally, we will raise the level of knowledge by addressing clinical trials in their different phases and how each drug can have more or less evidence, to end up analyzing different clinical cases and applying the knowledge learned.

Learning objectives :

  • To analyze the current evidence related to odontogenic pain, emphazising diagnosis and treatment strategies.
  • To discuss the differential diagnosis of orofacial pain conditions mimicking odontogenic pain.
  • To analyze the translational evidence associated with the study of effective pain management.
  • To apply in clinical cases what has been learned in relation to pain management.