Poland – Help for Ukraine

In response to tragic situation in Ukraine and to the calls for help and medical supplies from the Ukrainians colleagues, the Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists (Supreme Chamber and regional chambers) is providing more information on platforms available to National Dental Association, Corporate Partners and individual doctors to support with donations and medical supplies.


The Foundation Doctors for Doctors (Fundacja Lekarze Lekarzom https://fll.org.pl/) which is a charity set up by the Polish Supreme Chamber of Physicians and Dentists is engaged in purchasing medical supplies (medicinal products, medical devices etc.) urgently needed by colleagues in Ukraine and delivering them to Ukraine – as of now they are able to deliver those supplies to hospitals in Lvov, further distribution to other parts of Ukraine is then taken care by colleagues in Ukraine. Currently, ambulances are transporting supplies to Ukraine, therefore larger shipments are not yet possible through route.

Poland - Ukraine

For anyone willing to contribute and make a donation we are providing details of the Foundation’s bank account:

Bank transfers from Poland:

ODBIORCA: Fundacja Lekarze Lekarzom, ul. Sobieskiego 110, 00-764 Warszawa

BANK: Pekao S.A., O/W-wa

NUMER RACHUNKU: 31 1240 6263 1111 0010 4779 2541

TYTUŁEM: pomoc dla Ukrainy


Bank transfers from abroad:

ODBIORCA (BENEFICIARY): Fundacja Lekarze Lekarzom, ul. Sobieskiego 110, 00-764 Warszawa, Poland

BANK: Pekao S.A.


MIĘDZYNARODOWY NUMER RACHUNKU (IBAN): PL 31 1240 6263 1111 0010 4779 2541

Medical supplies:

Should any organization or individual be able to gather/purchase medical supplies at home and deliver them to Poland in order to deliver them further through our means of communication, please send such deliveries either to:

Supreme Chamber in Warsaw

Naczelna Izba Lekarska

Sobieskiego 110

00-764 Warszawa, Poland


Regional Chamber

Okręgowa Izba Lekarska w Rzeszowie

Jana Dekerta 2

35-030 Rzeszów, Poland

http://www.oil.rzeszow.pl/ in Rzeszów (city in southeastern Poland, appr. 100 km from the Polish-Ukrainian border)

In any such case please contact these organizations in advance that a delivery is going to take place, so that they can get prepared to collect it and make ready for further transportation.

For deliveries to the Supreme Chamber in Warsaw, please contact Marek Szewczyński attorney-at-law  from the International Co-operation Department (m.szewczynski@hipokrates.org) and the Supreme Chamber (pomocNIL@hipokrates.org).

For deliveries to the Regional Chamber in Rzeszów, please contact m.szewczynski@hipokrates.org and / or  dr Wojciech Domka, president of the Chamber in Rzeszów (w.domka@gazeta.pl).

All Ukrainians who crossed the border are of course welcomed in Poland.