CE programme
In Person
Management of the anterior sector with veneers, direct and indirect technique and cementation protocols
Congresso Internacional des Colegio Odontólogos de Bolivia 2022
Santa Cruz,
Dr Edgar Rene Rojas Benavides
- Dentist from Universidad El Bosque.
- Prosthodontist from Universidad El Bosque.
- Director of Postgraduate Prosthodontics Program at Universidad El Bosque.
- Opinion leader for dental biomaterials and implant companies.
- National and international speaker for the Colombian Dental Federation in aesthetics, rehabilitation and implants.
Colegio de Odontólogos de Bolivia
2-day course
Learning objectives:
- To establish treatment planning protocols
- To determine adequate patient selection for aesthetic treatments
- To define tooth preparation guidelines
- To manage execution protocols
- To detail cementation protocols
Local contact for registration and information:
Dra. Lady Molinedo: lady.mollinedom@gmail.com