
FDI and 65 organizations join forces to respond to WHO’s draft strategy on oral health


In response to the public consultation for the World Health Organization’s (WHO) draft Global strategy on tackling oral diseases, FDI World Dental Federation (FDI) joined forces with 65 organizations to submit a joint response.

The current strategy’s vision fully aligns with FDI’s Vision 2030, and it also refers to the three elements of universal health coverage (UHC) — quality, equitable access, and financial protection — in the context of oral health promotion and oral healthcare.

While commending this initial draft, FDI and co-signatories urge WHO to develop a Global strategy that is robust, time-bound, and implementation-oriented encompassing more ambitiously all the different areas that require reform in national health systems for oral health to become an integral element of UHC and noncommunicable (NCD) strategies.

The Global strategy would benefit from a more comprehensive description of all the implications that the associations between oral health, NCDs, and general health have for health systems. The importance of optimizing the oral health workforce to achieve the vision and goal of this Global strategy calls for a specific strategic objective on Oral Health Workforce. Sustainability should also be included as a guiding principle given the implications it has across the different strategic objectives of this Global strategy, and the responsibility that WHO and Member States have towards promoting and implementing a sustainable oral health response.

We stand ready to support WHO and Member States with the development and implementation of the Global strategy, the subsequent 2023 Action plan for public oral health (including its monitoring framework and 2030 targets), and the NCD “best buys” and other recommended interventions on oral health management, reinforcing the Global action plan for the prevention and control of NCDs 2013–2030 and its upcoming implementation roadmap 2023–2030.


Read the full submission


List of co-signatories:
  1. ADF - Association dentaire française
  2. AIO - Italian Dental Association
  3. ANDI - Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani
  4. Asociación Odontológica Panameña 
  5. Associacao Dentaria Timor Leste (ADETIL)
  6. Association des chirurgiens dentistes du Burkina (ACDB)
  7. Association des Chirurgiens-Dentistes du Bénin (A.C.D.B.)
  8. Association marocaine de prévention bucco-dentaire (AMPBD) 
  9. Australian Dental Association
  10. Azerbaijan Stomatological Association
  11. Bahamas Dental Association
  12. Bangladesh Dental Society
  13. British Dental Association (BDA)
  14. Bulgarian Dental Association (BgDA)
  15. Bundeszahnärztekammer e.V. (German Dental Association)
  16. Cercle des Médecins-Dentistes du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
  17. Chambre Syndicale Dentaire, Belgium
  18. Chinese Stomatological Association
  19. Chinese Taipei Association for Dental Sciences
  20. Colegio de Cirujano Dentistas de Chile
  21. Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Costa Rica
  22. Colegio de Odontólogos de Bolivia
  23. Commonwealth Dental Association
  24. Cyprus Dental Association
  25. Danish Dental Association
  26. Dental Association of Seychelles
  27. Dental Association of Thailand
  28. Dental Chamber of Kosovo
  29. Egyptian Clinical Dental Society
  30. Ethiopian Dental Professional's Association (EDPA)
  31. Fiji Dental Association
  32. Finnish Dental Association
  33. Hong Kong Dental Association
  34. Indonesia Dental Association
  35. International Diabetes Federation (IDF)
  36. Irish Dental Association
  37. Japan Dental Association
  38. Kenya Dental Association
  39. Korean Dental Association
  40. Malaysian Dental Association
  41. Mexican Dental Association (Asociación Dental Mexicana)
  42. Mongolian Dental Association
  43. NCD Alliance
  44. Non-communicable Diseases Alliance Kenya
  45. Norwegian Dental Association
  46. OMD - Portuguese Dental Association
  47. Philippine Dental Association
  48. Polish Dental Society
  49. Romanian Dental Association of Private Practitioners (RDAPP)
  50. Russian Dental Association
  51. Samara State Medical University
  52. Serbian Dental Society
  53. Slovenian Dental Association
  54. SmileTrain
  55. Société de Médecine Dentaire, asbl
  56. South African Dental Association
  57. Sri Lanka Dental Association
  58. Stomatological Society of Greece
  59. Tanzania Dental Association
  60. The Armenian Dental Association
  61. Tunisian Dental Syndicate for Private Practice
  62. Turkish Dental Association
  63. Ukrainian Dental Association
  64. VVT - Verbond der Vlaamse Tandartsen
  65. Zimbabwe Dental Association