CE programme
In Person

Is it necessary to reconstruct bone in the treatment of gingival recessions?

Encuentro Académico CCDR-FDI 2024


San José, Costa Rica, Americas


Prof dr hab Marzena Dominiak
  • DDS, PhD,
  • President of  Polish Dental Association,
  • member of World Dental Fedreration (FDI) Education Committee,
  • Full Professor, Director and Head of Oral Surgery Department Medical University of Wroclaw, Poland,
  • Rector for strategic initiatives Medical University of Wroclaw, Poland.
  • Visiting professor in TU Dresden,
  • President of Scientific Committee of FDI Conference in Poland, 2016.
  • Advanced researcher in implantology, periodontology and oral surgery.


Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Costa Rica

Abstract :

The morphological structure of the alveolar ridge of the maxilla and / or mandible is an important predictor of the possibility of gingival recession development. The narrow alveolar ridge in the lip-lingual dimension, especially with the thin biotype of the gingiva, is one of the factors predisposing to the development of this pathology. It may hinder or prevent the course of orthodontic treatment as an independent therapy method or as part of the orthodontic-otognathic treatment. In addition, the reconstruction of the narrow alveolar ridge may be an alternative procedure in relation to some orthognathic procedures, making it possible to carry out treatment in a minimally invasive manner.

The aim of the presentation will be to present the soft tissue and the bone reconstruction method using a 3D allogenic bone block in the prevention and treatment of gingival recession in the course of orthodontic treatment. It will be also analyze direction of the treatment to achieve optimal red and white aesthetic of dentoalveolar ridge.

Learning objectives :

  • Understanding the etiological factors of gum recession and causes of their development during orthodontic treatment.

    Determining directions of recession treatment in order to achieve optimal red and white aesthetics
  • The know the rules for the qualification of patients for the recessions treatment using personalized bone reconstruction
  • Understanding methodology of the procedure including bone and soft tissue graft surgery and long-term aesthetics and function effects of the performed procedures