FDI’s new podcast, Dental Check-up, is coming soon!
FDI is launching its brand-new podcast, Dental Check-up, with the first series focusing on mental health in the dental workplace.
Dental Check-up: a podcast by FDI
FDI will launch its brand-new podcast, Dental Check-up in the coming weeks. As the global voice of the dental profession, representing more than one million dentists worldwide, FDI will put the spotlight on topical issues and use the opportunity to profile key oral health matters.
Dental Check-up will see its first series dive deeper into the topic of mental health in the dental workplace. The three-episode series will be hosted by renowned Prof. Tim Newton and will highlight issues such as stress, anxiety, burnout, and addiction in the dental workplace.
Don’t forget to stay tuned for updates on how and when to access the podcasts.
More about the host
The host of the first series of FDI’s Dental Check-up podcast is Prof. Tim Newton, Professor and Consultant in Psychology as Applied to Dentistry at King’s College London. He is also an Honorary Consultant Health Psychologist to the Office of the Chief Dental Officer (England) and an Honorary Professor at both University College London and University College Cork.
Recipient of an International Association for Dental Research (IADR) distinguished scientist award, Prof. Newton dedicates a significant amount of time in clinical commitment to support individuals with dental phobia to overcome their fear and supports them in facing challenging dental procedures. His extensive experience and background in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy makes Prof. Newton an ideal host for the first series of Dental Check-up to highlight the topic of mental health at the dental workplace.

Sneak peek
Stay tuned for more news about upcoming episodes. Don’t forget to spread the word about FDI’s Dental Check-up podcast amongst your friends, family and colleagues. Let’s make the dental workplace a safe place not only for oral care, but also for mental well-being.
Are you an oral health professional who has suffered from a mental health condition in your workplace? We would like to hear your story, tell us more: communications@fdiworlddental.org
About Health and safety in the dental workplace
The Health and Safety in the Dental Workplace project, launched in 2019, seeks to respond to these challenges with practical tools and a global communication campaign to help improve health and safety for the oral healthcare team at work.
The project is currently in its second phase highlighting the topic of Mental health and well-being, with the first phase focusing on Ergonomics and posture.
The Health and Safety in the Dental Workplace project is supported by Morita