Evidence-based use of teledentistry in oral health services
In dentistry, there is a brand-new practice field called “teledentistry.” With this new concept of practice, patients can quickly and effectively connect with oral health practitioners to receive advice and information on their oral health or dental problems.
The use of telemedicine with higher-quality technologies in the field of dentistry can provide more profit than ever to dental care. “Teledentistry” is an innovative method allowing the provision of oral healthcare services by connecting patients, dental practitioners, and various consultant specialists worldwide.
For the most beneficial decision to be made, this article aims at presenting an overview of teledentistry by reviewing the existing evidence-based literature on the use of teledentistry in oral health services. The most useful and reliable teledentistry interventions were gathered from the best available evidence. This article guides dentists on how they can utilize teledentistry in their practice.