CE programme
In Person

Oral Health : Impact of breastfeeding on the general health of the mother-child binomial

Encuentro Académico - Prevención en Odontopediatría


San José, Costa Rica, Americas


Dr Adriana De la Torre

Pediatric dentist Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, head of the Growth and Development Section of the Oral Health Department of the Hospital Universitario Fundacion Santafé de Bogotá , Hypophosphatasia Expert, member of the Board of Bone Metabolism Diseases, Advisor on infant and young child nutrition, professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Pediatrics Residency at the University Los Andes, member of the AIEPII Committee (comprehensive care for prevalent childhood diseases) at the University Hospital of Santa Fe de Bogota Foundation, former president of the Colombian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry


Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Costa Rica

Abstract :

Oral health plays a crucial role in the overall health and well-being of both mothers and their children. This paper explores the impact of breastfeeding on the oral health of the mother-child binomial and the physiological and nutritional benefits associated with breastfeeding but highlights the implications for the growth and development of the craniofacial structures of the child. The act of breastfeeding not only supports the infant's health by providing essential nutrients, proteins, and immunoglobulins for the baby's development but promoting correct habits such as nasal breathing, sucking, swallowing, chewing, and, language development.
Additionally, breastfeeding promotes healthy dietary habits in children, minimizing the risk of early childhood caries and other oral health issues. Psychological connections established through breastfeeding contribute to improved bonding and overall emotional health for both mother and child. Furthermore, public health initiatives that promote breastfeeding can lead to comprehensive health benefits across the population. This abstract emphasizes the importance of breastfeeding as a key factor in enhancing oral and general health

Learning Objectives :

  • Recognize the Benefits of Breastfeeding: Analyze the positive effects of breastfeeding on maternal health, environmental benefits, community well-being, and the country's economy.
  • Understand the Role of Breastfeeding on Facial Growth and Development of the Child: Identify how breastfeeding contributes to establishing correct habits such as nasal breathing, sucking, swallowing, chewing, and, eventually, language development.
  • Give importance to breastfeeding in the prevention of both physical and mental illnesses in this mother-child binomial that will impact the quality of life of the patient and their family.