
2024 Nominations

NEW: Call for Nominations to Council

All Regular Members in good standing are entitled to submit nominations for candidates to Council and Standing Committees. Each nomination must be supported by the nominee’s Regular Member Association.

To be considered, nominations must be submitted in English preferably by e-mail to Ms Djerdana Ivosevic with Ms Maria Kramarenko in copy, or by fax to +41 (0) 22 560 8140

All nominations need to include the following documents:

1. Standing Committee Nomination Form 2024

    Council Nomination Form 2024

2. Curriculum vitae (CV)/personal record

3. Written presentation/letter of motivation (Council: not more than 500 words; Standing Committees: not more than 350 words).

All nominations that meet the criteria will be made available to Regular Members 60 days prior to the meeting.


2024 Elections

Deadline for submission of nominations to Council - Sunday, 16 June 2024

Deadline for submission of nominations to Standing Committees - Monday, 3 June 2024

Elections dates:

Council: during General Assembly B on Saturday, 14 September 2024 (14:00-17:30)

Standing Committees: during General Assembly B on Saturday, 14 September 2024 (14:00-17:30) and during Council meeting C on Sunday, 15 September 2024 (09:30-15:30)


2024 Vacancies


There are eight vacancies: seven vacancies for Council and one vacancy for the Speaker of the General Assembly: One vacancy for Council is open for nominations from Latin America only, and one vacancy for Council is open for nominations from Europe only. All other vacancies are open to nominations from all Geographic Areas. All members are to be elected by the General Assembly.

> Access the 2024 list of vacancies


Standing Committees

Membership Liaison and Support Committee

The Membership Liaison and Support Committee monitor and advise Council on issues concerning internal and external communications and FDI support to members.

There is one vacancy. The vacancy will be filled by General Assembly election.

> Access the 2024 list of vacancies


Dental Practice Committee

The Dental Practice Committee monitor and advise Council on issues concerning dental practice.

There are two vacancies. One vacancy will be filled by General Assembly election and one by the Council.

> Access the 2024 list of vacancies


Education Committee

The Education Committee monitor and advise Council on issues concerning dental education, the scientific programme of the World Dental Congress and the FDI's continuing education programme.       

There are four vacancies. Two vacancies will be filled by General Assembly election and two by the Council.

> Access the 2024 list of vacancies


Science Committee

The Science Committee monitor and advise Council on scientific issues related to oral health.

There are three vacancies. Two vacancies will be filled by General Assembly and one by the Council.

> Access the 2024 list of vacancies


Public Health Committee

The Public Health Committee monitor and advise Council on issues concerning the improvement of oral and general health in disadvantaged populations and on issues surrounding wider health promotion.                                                                                    

There are five vacancies. Three vacancies will be filled by General Assembly election and two by the Council.

> Access the 2024 list of vacancies



Documents should be submitted in English. However, in addition to the documents in English, Associations are allowed to provide translated versions in one of the other FDI languages (French, German and Spanish) at their own cost. The written presentations will be reproduced in the General Assembly documentation exactly as received. No editing or translation will be done by the FDI.

Eligible candidates will have the opportunity to introduce themselves with a 3 minute PowerPoint presentation prior to the elections:

Date of the Presentations for the candidates for Council: General Assembly A on Tuesday, 10 September 2024 (09:00-17:30)

Date of the Presentations for the candidates for the Standing Committees: Open Forum 2 on Wednesday, 11 September 2024 (09:00-11:00).

Place of the Presentations: Istanbul Congress Center (ICC), Istanbul, Türkiye

You should develop your personal presentation independently without the involvement of third parties and your presentation must be based on the position you are applying for.  Your presentation must not be influenced by commercially organized activities (e.g. ‘satellite symposia’). The use of promotional materials like flyers is accepted but limited to one A4 page. However, gifts are strictly prohibited and handing out and/or promoting products is not allowed on site. The use of logos, symbols, colors, etc. that refer explicitly, or implicitly, to a third party are not allowed.

Your presentation must be sent in PowerPoint format to the FDI Office by 3 August 2024 to Ms. Maria Kramarenko (