Role of mouthwash in oral care
Today, there is a vast variety of dental products available in the market, mouthwashes or mouth rinses are just one of them. These products are accessible to people over-the-counter and with prescription, depending on their use and composition.
Present and future of mouthwashes: best available evidence
The huge diversity of mouthwashes available vary according to their recommended use, chemical composition and effectiveness, and can have a beneficial or negative effect depending on these characteristics. This project aims to explain the present and future of mouthwashes, and to provide oral health professionals with the best available evidence on the role of such products in oral healthcare.

Goal 1
Review and summarize available knowledge on the role of mouthwash as part of routine oral care
Goal 2
Publish and disseminate through FDI communication channels, a supplement about the role of mouthwashes in the International Dental Journal (IDJ)

The role of mouthwash as part of routine oral care

Role of mouthwash in oral care
The Role of mouthwash in oral care project is supported by: