General Assembly

The FDI General Assembly (GA) is the supreme legislative and governing body of FDI. The GA sets FDI policies, the strategic plan, missions and aims, and monitors progress on their achievement. The GA meets once a year to approve the annual budget, establish the annual subscription of the Regular Members, receive and take necessary action on reports of the Council, and elect Regular, Associate, Affiliate and Supporting Members, Committee and Council members, as well as the Speaker of the GA.

Next General Assembly

The GA also elects members of the List of Dr Charles Godon Medal of Honour and grants FDI Distinguished Service Awards.

FDI holds elections annually during the GA and Council meetings, held in conjunction with the FDI World Dental Congress. The system of governance and operations is based on democracy, debate, consensus and accountability.

Further information on the FDI governance structure and elections process is available in the FDI Constitution.

Download the Constitution

General Assembly