Launching Be Proud of Your Mouth for your happiness and well-being
The World Oral Health Day (WOHD) 2022 campaign was officially launched on 16 September.
Last year, we kick-started our three-year campaign theme: BE PROUD OF YOUR MOUTH.
Be Proud of Your Mouth is not about having a perfect mouth; it is about having a healthy one.
We want people to value and take care of their oral health and to make the right decisions to protect it. In 2021, we encouraged action by focusing on the importance of oral health for overall health. In 2022, we are highlighting the fact that an unhealthy mouth can severely impact every aspect of life. That’s why, we are calling on people to: LOOK AFTER YOUR ORAL HEALTH FOR YOUR HAPPINESS AND WELL-BEING. Because the goal of a happy life unites us all.
Access the campaign resources
The campaign posters and fact sheets are already available through the website. There are 12 posters to choose from so download, print, display and share today:
In October, we will launch the full campaign toolkit with a wealth of supporting assets including, digital tools so that you can help spread the word through social media. So come back and visit the campaign website regularly and get involved with WOHD 2022 to help keep the world happy.
At the end of your campaigns, you may even get the chance to win a WOHD Award, like our champions from the 2021 campaign.
Celebrating the WOHD 2021 award winners

Best Media Campaign
Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Costa Rica
The organization worked with six “influencers”, which included an olympic athlete, chef, magician, two journalists and a TV presenter, to record videos about oral health to reach the general public. This made a significant impact among thousands of Costa Ricans who follow them on their social networks. In addition, a major media tour was carried out to promote WOHD.

Most Educational Activity
Macedonian Dental Society
The organization ran 10 activities, in which more than 350 participants took part. They visited clinics for Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry in Skopje, and preventive dental teams and private dental practices, as well as day care centres across the country. Educational programmes were organized in compliance with the recommended Covid-19 measures. They also organized an exhibition of children's handicrafts, drawings and poetry for oral health and gifts for all the participants of the Competition entitled Be Proud of Your Mouth, with the non-profit organization MladiHub. The oral health workshop at the Primary School Kiro Gligorov in Skopje took place through an online platform.

Most Original Activity
Associação Nacional de Estudantes de Medicina Dentária, Portugal
They recorded a viral video to inform people about the importance of maintaining regular and adequate oral hygiene habits and going to the dentist regularly for a healthy smile, in particular during the COVID-19 pandemic. The video included tips, so people could be proud of their mouth! In addition, ANEMD used mouth props in front of their masks during educational activities at “FAP no Bairro", which is a social project of the Academic Federation of Porto, which aims to promote student volunteering and social intervention in the community.

Best Social Media Campaign
Sudanese Association of Dental Students
The association made a huge impact on Facebook and Instagram, where they shared photos of their WOHD activities. They created a campaign frame to brand more than 30 photos and shared them broadly through their social networks. They also cut out giant frames, printed kids’ coloring templates, and organized educational activities at Excellence primary schools, in Khartoum, Sudan.

Best campaign by a dental practice or clinic
Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi
They organized 11 activities across a range of channels, including educational lectures, poster presentations, TV and radio interviews, live social media events and stories and email marketing campaigns. In total they reached over 170,000 people.

Best Branded Photo
Maratha Mandal's Nathajirao. G. Halgekar Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre Belagavi
They organized school visits to raise awareness about oral health and demonstrate the proper toothbrushing technique. The winning photo was taken at Maratha Mandal's Central High School, Belagavi, Karnataka, India. The children used the WOHD campaign frames to show that they were proud of their mouths. Toothie, FDI’s oral health mascot for children, featured on posters and fact sheets that hung in the background.