Sustainability in Dentistry


The MOOC: Sustainability in Dentistry

The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Sustainability in Dentistry was developed by the FDI World Dental Federation to help oral health professionals understand the importance of sustainable practice and their own role in tackling sustainability issues.

The learning outcomes for this 3-hour course include to understand the impact of oral healthcare on the environment and to utilize evidence-based dentistry to improve the oral health of your patients in an environmentally conscious way.

A final assessment at the end of the course gives the opportunity to formally pass the course and to receive a printable course certificate. 


Sustainability Award

The FDI Sustainability Award promotes sustainability in dental practice by providing the opportunity for individuals or dental practices to receive global recognition. Each year four awards will be granted. Two for dental practice and two for individuals. Winners will be announced at the FDI World Dental Congress.

Project goals

Goal 1

Increase awareness of the need to implement sustainable actions in the dental community. 

Goal 2

To develop a guide for oral health professionals to identify actions that can lead to environmentally sustainable outcomes 

Goal 3

To conduct a review of the current literature and identify the current research and guidelines and to identify any gaps in the literature regarding sustainability in dentistry.

Pledge map

Pledge for Sustainable Oral Health Care

Oral healthcare is essential for overall health, well-being and quality of life.  This needs to be delivered ethically, with high levels of quality and safety and be environmentally sustainable.  In this way, the healthcare opportunities of current and future generations are respected and protected by actively minimizing negative environmental impacts.

Sustainability Toolkit

Earn your dental sustainability stripes

The Sustainability in Dentistry interactive toolkit was made by FDI World Dental Federation to help dentists and their teams drive their activities towards more sustainable practices. Take the leap towards reducing your dental practice's environmental impact and earn sustainability stripes.

The following infographic identifies four domains in the delivery of oral health care:

1. Preventive care 

2. Operative care

3. integrated care

4. Ownership of care

With careful observance and engagement with each of these four domains of dental practice, it is possible to provide effective, high-quality, and environmentally sustainable oral health care.  This is a team effort that involves the whole dental care team and the patients they serve. FDI is committed to raising awareness among its membership of the need to ‘think green.’ Many dentists are already making sustainability a high priority by using more environmentally friendly dental supplies and equipment, or by making structural, energy-efficient changes to their clinics. FDI can help by sharing these success stories to help build awareness in other countries and offices that are only beginning their sustainability journey.” – Dr James Zenk, DDS, chair of the FDI Dental Practice Committee.

The FDI Vision 2030 document calls for urgent action on oral health as one of the most prevalent diseases worldwide. These diseases are largely preventable and/or treatable in the early stages.

Improvements in oral health and well-being can be gained through prevention, screening and monitoring of systemic health conditions in environmentally friendly practices. Dentistry must be practiced ethically, with high levels of quality and safety and appropriate use of healthcare resources – including time, materials, workforce, and equipment. Sustainability integrates a broader commitment of the oral health professional to social and environmental responsibility. The right of future generations to a world with adequate natural resources must be respected.

This Sustainability in Dentistry project, supported by the FDI Policy Statement on Sustainability in Dentistry, demonstrates that the provision of high-quality dental care with a focus on prevention of oral diseases is at the core of how to ensure an environmentally sustainable practice. This resource is designed to interweave with the many other FDI projects that have been developed to guide oral health professionals and dental organizations. Efforts to reduce the pollution impact of dentistry on the environment must focus on a strategy of reduction alongside any recycling and reusing capabilities when possible. A reduction of carbon footprint is achieved through the provision of optimal health care, by reducing the number of dental appointments people need and reducing the consumption of dental materials. Thus, optimal oral health care has two distinct outcomes: good oral health care outcomes and a reduced environmental impact.

The promotion, provision and maintenance of good oral health is core to our professional activities
The promotion, provision and maintenance of good oral health is core to our professional activities
The promotion, provision and maintenance of good oral health is core to our professional activities
The promotion, provision and maintenance of good oral health is core to our professional activities


Assessment and management of systemic and local risk factors with a practical and patient-centred preventive regime.
  • Oral Health EducationOral Health EducationOral Health Education
    • Promotion of Oral Health Care. Reduce consumption and frequency of free sugars, promote toothbrushing and fluoridation, encourage dental attendance and cessation of tobacco use.
  • Oral Hygene MeasuresOral Hygene MeasuresOral Hygene Measures
    • Toothbrushing, fluoride toothpaste.
  • Healthy DietHealthy DietHealthy Diet
    • Reduced intake and frequency of sugars, acidic drinks and tobacco use.


Optimised through the combination of core knowledge, skill sets, experiential learning and team work, acting synergistically.
  • Best PracticeBest PracticeBest Practice
    • Evidence-based and Protocol-driven.
  • High Quality, Careful and Predictable CareHigh Quality, Careful and Predictable CareHigh Quality, Careful and Predictable Care
    • Use good materials and use them well.


Provided through the integration of services, structured treatments and patient participation.
  • Structured Treatment PlansStructured Treatment PlansStructured Treatment Plans
    • Dentist led, patient-centred and joint ‘dentist-patient’ responsibility for delivery.
  • Active Patient ParticipationActive Patient ParticipationActive Patient Participation
    • Patients as co-creators and co-managers of own oral health care: Decision making, engaging with treatment and maintenance.
  • Managed Treatment AppointmentsManaged Treatment AppointmentsManaged Treatment Appointments
    • Smart treatment combinations and shared family appointments.

of Care

Individual and team ownership thorough active participation in core and complementary activities that leads to professional development, a passion to excel and the satisfaction of achievement.
  • Learn and Develop Best PracticeLearn and Develop Best PracticeLearn and Develop Best Practice
    • Pursue, maintain and practice effective and focused professional development.
  • Lead by ExampleLead by ExampleLead by Example
    • Set high standards, engage with your profession, make a difference, inspire others.
  • Effective Clinical GovernanceEffective Clinical GovernanceEffective Clinical Governance
    • Continuously improve the quality of services and safeguard high standards.
      Check - How good am I? Audit the quality of my practice and improve.
  • Get InvolvedGet InvolvedGet Involved
    • National and local active groups
      Collaboration and participation.
  • Healthy mouths
    fewer appointments
  • Reduced materials,
    therefore reduced costs
  • Professional
  • Improved patient
    quality of life
  • Better clinical
  • Durable care
The promotion, provision and maintenance of good oral health is core to our professional activities
The promotion, provision and maintenance of good oral health is core to our professional activities

Sustainability in Dentistry Task Team

The Sustainability in Dentistry Task Team provides guidance and scientific expertise to ensure sound implementation of the Sustainability in Dentistry project, which aims to map out strategies and implement solutions to help reduce the environmental impact of dentistry and the dental industry.

Jan 2023 - Dec 2024
Prof. Nicolas Martin
United Kingdom
Jan 2023 - Dec 2024
Dr Mick Armstrong
United Kingdom
Jan 2023 - Dec 2024
Assist. Prof. Duygu Ilhan
Jan 2023 - Dec 2024
Dr Steven Mulligan
United Kingdom
Jan 2023 - Dec 2024
Dr Hasan Jamal
Saudi Arabia
Dec 2023 - Dec 2024
Asst. Professor Donna Hackley
United States of America
  • Consensus Statement
    Consensus Statement on Environmentally Sustainable Oral Healthcare
  • FDI-Sustainability-Infographic-final_17022022.pdf
    FDI Sustainability Infographic
  • Sustainable Oral Healthcare and the Environment: Challenges
    Sustainable Oral Healthcare and the Environment: Challenges
    Journal article
  • Sustainable Oral Healthcare and the Environment: Mitigation Strategies
    Sustainable Oral Healthcare and the Environment: Mitigation Strategies
    Journal article
  • Preview
    Awareness and barriers to sustainability in dentistry: A scoping review
    Journal article
  • Preview
    Drivers, opportunities and best practice for sustainability in dentistry: A scoping review
    Journal article
  • Sustainability in dentistry
    Sustainable Dentistry infographic
  • Maintaining Good Oral Health
    Maintaining Good Oral Health Infographic

International Dental Journal supporting commentary


Environmental Sustainability Through Good-Quality Oral Healthcare


The environmental consequences of oral healthcare provision by the dental team

Recordings from the session on Sustainability in Dentistry at the World Dental Congress in Sydney 2023

At the World Dental Congress in Sydney in 2023, a project session on Sustainability in Dentistry took place. The task team members of the FDI Sustainability in Dentistry project pre-recorded their presentations to be showcased during the session in Sydney. Listen to the pre-recordings below, covering the following topics:

- Prof. Nicolas Martin: Integrating sustainability into the dental curriculum 

- Dr Steven Mulligan: Implementing sustainability in dental practice – the sustainability in dentistry toolkit 

- Asst. Professor Donna Hackley: Encouraging patient participation 

- Dr Hasan Jamal: Why sustainability in dentistry is critical  

The Sustainability in Dentistry project is supported by our Partners and Supporters:


Colgate - Palmolive


Why did they commit?
