Empowering the future leaders in dentistry at the Young Dentists Forum
The second edition of the highly anticipated Young Dentists Forum will take place in Istanbul at the FDI World Dental Congress. Learn more about the forum's programme.

Dentistry in Türkiye has gained immense popularity, attracting people from around the world seeking treatment. Known for its high-quality education, advanced dental technologies, and affordable treatment options, Türkiye has become a top destination for dental care for both local and international patients. This rapidly growing interest is supported by an increasing number of young professionals entering the field, eager to innovate and advance their careers.
Amidst this backdrop, the FDI World Dental Congress 2024 stands out as a landmark event, particularly with its Young Dentists Forum, designed to inspire and empower young dental professionals. Being held at the International Convention Center (ICC) on 13th and 14th of September, the forum will gather hundreds of dental practitioners, researchers, and students from around the world to share the latest insights and to leverage networking opportunities.
Discover the Young Dentists Forum programme
The two-day programme features presentations by two emerging voices in dentistry, Dr David Palombo and Dr Jan Stibal on the first day of the forum. Dr Palombo will shed light on the management of hard and soft tissue deficiencies around dental implants, while Dr Stibal will focus on interdisciplinary therapy for adolescents and young adults with developmental dental disorders. These presentations are sure to inspire young professionals to make a mark early in their careers.
The young speakers presenting on the first day of this year's Young Dentists Forum were selected thanks to a contest launched among FDI members. The overwhelming number of nominations highlighted the emerging talent within the dental community, underscoring the importance of such platforms and the need to provide further opportunities for young dentists.
Moreover, the Young Dentists Forum in Istanbul will offer more than just exposure to an international platform; it will provide young dentists with the opportunity to learn from leading experts in the profession and industry. On the second day, excitement will continue with a lecture by renowned expert Dr Miguel Stanley on Leadership in Dentistry. Known for his pioneering work at the White Clinic in Lisbon, Portugal, Dr Stanley advocates for patient-centric dental care globally through initiatives like the Slow Dentistry Global Network®. Recently, in the FDI Dental Check-up podcast, Dr Stanley along with dental student Sanika Shorey, provided more insights on what to expect at the Young Dentists Forum 2024.
The Young Dentists Forum is an excellent example of the dental profession's commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders and ensuring its continued growth and excellence. Generously supported by Henry Schein, this forum not only provides a platform for young professionals to showcase their talents but also offers invaluable opportunities to gain knowledge, build connections, and engage with industry leaders.